
First Results in the Development Process of Transformation Scenarios:

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First Results in the Development Process of Transformation Scenarios

We’re excited to share the results of our first Practice Council Workshop on developing a biodiversity-friendly agri-food and land-use system, namely the target vision. (We previously reported on the meeting in our article: Blühende Fantasie gefragt).

A shared Target Vision for Transformation

Through a collaborative process, the Practice Council formulated a target vision for the transformation of our agricultural and food systems. This target vision serves as a foundation for developing future-oriented scenarios and was defined by using the Three Horizons Framework (Scharpe et al., 2016).

Our Four-Step Approach

  1. Understanding the Current System
    • Participants identified and categorized signs that our current agricultural and food systems are not yet biodiversity-friendly.
    • Key drivers and influencing factors were then analyzed.
  2. Recognizing Valuable Elements
    • Participants discussed which existing ideas, structures, and processes should be preserved in a future system.
  3. Imagining a Biodiversity-Friendly Future
    • In small groups, participants explored desirable features of a biodiversity-friendly agri-food system.
  4. Refining the Vision
    • After presenting group results, participants examined interconnections, potential conflicts, and key considerations for shaping the final target vision.

For the complete target vision, see the following PDF documents:

Target vision (english)

Zielbild (german)

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